Welcome to my Path
VITA Love, Sex & Relationship Coach 650-hr
Second Degree Reiki Energy Practitioner
Certified GC Tribal bellydance teacher
Certified Thai Bodyworker
Bachelors Degree in Human Studies
Hi! I'm Raylyn DiPaolo, artistically known as Rahlüne.
I'm an intimacy artist ushering the evolution of human consciousness through trauma-informed sacred sexuality mentorship. I support women/non-binary vulva-havers, couples & artists in meaningfully transforming how they relate to their lives, bodies, pleasure & pain. I do this by combining my background in psychology & human studies, energy work, bodywork, movement & dance with the VITA coaching method for Sex, Love & Relationships.
The VITA method combines modern neuroscience and ancient mysticism to form a somatic-based, tantric coaching approach to healing and transformation, helping clients to experience epic sex and legendary love. I'm here on Goddess-Order to remind humanity how to live as an authentic soul embodied.
Like most, my spiritual path began with many initiations. Until age 19, my life looked like a hallmark tragedy. Childhood trauma, self-harm, juvenile arrests, death and more. But at 19 (just over a decade ago) Sex and Spirit shook me awake. I tasted divinity and never looked back. Since then, I've been determined to live a life of my choosing, not one that is defined by my trauma or conditioning and I'm committed to help others do the same.
If you are interested in the longer version of my story, please read more here.